Amen! |
My goal was to be in the 86's kg this week but due to the London riots I had to skip out on a gym session which I believe would have resulted in me achieving my goal. My scales are lying to me, well kind of, it is my fault really, I got on them waaay too many times this week and it is giving to two different results, 86.6 and 85.5, I do not know which one is right so this week I will ignore the scales until Thursday, my weigh day. I am not stressed about not knowing what the number is exactly because I can see and feel the weight loss in my clothes. My gym shorts nearly fell to the ground when I was running for a bus on Monday, I only caught a bus because of the riots, it just wasn't safe. My belly is visible in my t shirts but it doesn't look like I am 6 months preggers, I look like I am two months preggers! I found out that my old fav t shirts from uniqlo which are a size small have a 33 to 35 inch bust. At least now I know what I am working to exactly, 33 to 35 inch bust and a 30 inch belly.
Story of my fridge life. |
On the food frontier, I have a bit of a confession, I eat normally all over again. I eat my carbs( hello, half a large Dominos pizza with 1 topping), my fats, heck even ice cream (60 calories per 2 scoops!! I am in love!), chocolate, oreos, everything but in moderation. Food is always grilled or boiled, never fried, I use sunflower oil which is lower in calories and saturated fat than extra virgin olive oil, shocking I know! I have brown bread, white if we are out, my milk is skimmed with 1% fat and I am drinking at least 3 cups of green tea, no sugar in anything, no sugar in my oatmeal, muesli, tea, rice krispies, nada. I may have to increase my veg intake a bit, I have been lacking on that.
I get what you are saying Snooks!! |
Gym sessions have been great! I am still going 5 days a week, 2 hrs and a calorie burn of 1000. Massive number, so I do put in a lot of effort when I work out. 45 mins on my treadmill at 7 or 7.5km/hr which results in 600 calories burnt, then 400 calories is spent on other cardio machines. I really enjoy working out, seriously the 'high' you get afterwards is just amazing! Seriously.
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