Fast forward to 2010, me sitting in my room I started thinking, why did I start adding relaxer to my hair? During my school years I had natural hair and I always pulled it back into thick afro ponytail. It wasnt a problem until all of a sudden my life turned into the harsh cruel bit of a mean girls movie scene. I was bullied by the class Queen Bee's. It was awful, these girls made it their life's mission to make my life feel like a big pile of poo. They used to pass horrible little remarks about me, especially my hair. This is the 11th grade and I was the only one with hair that was not relaxed, they would sit behind me on the bus and pass jokes about how "untidy my hair was, how stupid,dumb and ugly i was", the usual high school stuff only in excess. And there was this guy, my friends and I called him Shrek, because he was big, ogre-like and had a shrek-like head. He always used to join them when it came to teasing me and many times he would sit near me and randomly, out of the blue start saying things like "you are so childish"( ummm I am 15, what do you except?) and he's personally favourite "your nose is so big, and your hair is just plain ugly". And I would get this abuse everyday, I remember trying to make myself sick so that I would not have to go in to school. It didnt work, my mother was all about my education and she would not let me ever skip a day of school, so I had to take it. And for three years I took that bullshit, and when someone is in yor ear constantly whispering negative things about you, you tend to start to doubt yourself. And so a week before my graduation ceremony, I had my hair relaxed. Epic fail.
Fast forward to 14th of March, emotions and thoughts running wild and fast as Usain Bolt, I went and had the B.C. The Big Chop, everything, well an inch was left behind but everything else was gone.
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And this was The Beginning.
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