
Saturday, 31 December 2011

2012, HERE I COME!!

I am so sorry for going AWOL, its been a month and some days since my last post. This is because I am so busy with university work, human biology is no joke! I can see why loads of people would drop out. I hope everyone had a great Christmas, I spent it cooking and ignoring shots at my turkey! So, less than 12 hours till 2012 I decided to make a "what I plan on doing in 2012" list. Its a list of stuff that I need to get done this year, so I thought I would share it here.
I failed in this area, I gained 4 pounds back from Christmas, exam stress and drama! I need to get back on my weight loss, by making time for myself and my body. My goal weight is still 75kg and I am currently 86- 87-ish, another 10 kg (20 pounds) to lose! Only this time around, I am losing a pound a week. More of this later on, I start my "no carb" phase tomorrow. I am looking forward to it.
I haven't had much time to take care of my hair properly so I had a weave done. No worries, my hairline is intact and has grown rather well. I even have 'baby hair' on my forehead! I won a blog competition from andree marie, who is an amazing blogger and hair stylist, I won a free wash, cut and finish. And Lord knows I need to have my hair properly trimmed! I am getting it done on the 9th of Jan, I can't wait! My hair grows, the only problem is retention, breakage is a bitch! I can't wait to get my weave out, I have had this weave in longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage!

OK, so when I couldn't get into my jeans before uni began I had to make the best of things and just roll with it. So I wore dresses. Correction, I wear dresses. Everyday. To university. All the time. And it feels amazing!!! When you wear what makes you look good, you feel good. I know it sounds so cliche but it is so true. This year, I will only buy clothes that I feel absolutely amazing in, who cares if I wear a black lace maxi dress to my analytical techniques lab experiments.
My older sister is getting married!! To a wonderful man, yes I approve. Guess who is the maid of honour? Me!! I am not the most 'wedding friendly' and my sister and I are complete opposites. She is Christmas and I am Halloween! I am on full maid of honour duty! And I will prepare the hen party, yup there will be a stripper!
I live in London therefore I see no point of having a car. But my loving sister, aka extra driver is moving out so I will probably have to drive myself to Sainsbury's to buy Kelly's Cornwell clotted cream ice cream. And my honeymoon plans are to drive and fly from Cape to Cario. I need to get my license this year.

My baby lives in Leicester. I live in London. It takes 3 hours to get to his and three hours to get back home. All in one day. Thank you African traditions!! It is really hard to see him once a week only. And sometimes going two weeks without seeing him. It sucks. Me no likey. So this year, I just want to put in extra bit of effort in my relationship and just get through another year. P.S_I love you Stevie.
I have never been on the London eye, or the London zoo or the London aquarium! I live in London and I have never seen or done the London basics! I haven't been to all of its museums, gardens and it is rather shameful. I live in such a wonderful city why haven't I gone to explore it? I am going to start a little explore London segment!
I am in love with Paris! And this year I plan on visiting it. The food, oh the food!! And shopping, I plan on doing my summer sales in Paris. I need to visit! I MUST!! I so want to see the world.
This directly relates to my weight and over all body health. Food is responsible for human health, I strongly believe that you can reverse certain diseases by changing your diet. It can also be used in the anti-ageing process. No matter how many creams that you put on your face, what you eat has more of an effect. FACT. You can absorb only so much via your skin. You can absorb a million times more by putting in your mouth.
I need to get a job! I am sick of being a member of Broke Phi Broke! I needs to be getting paper! How am  I supposed to be a baller when I am not getting any paper? I dont even care, well, I kinda do care, what kind of a job it is. I might just get back into retail or try and get into the NHS. I would prefer something in the line of my degree. And my summer placement, I need to secure my summer placement. I want a career, not a job.